May 8, 2018
We're back on the road after a wild and crazy month in Modesto. We had our living estate sale. So much stuff went out the door. And so much stuff was still left. We contacted The Good News Charity to pickup the leftovers. The Good News Charity has a couple of yard sales each year to raise money to buy groceries and meals for Seniors in our area. What a good cause! We hope they raise a lot of money with all the things we donated.
We headed south again, this time to Pahrump, NV. We stopped for gas in Yermo, CA at Eddie World. Eddie World has every kind of candy and sweet snack you can imagine. And they had a very nice tribute to the Lakers.
After filling the gas tank we headed towards Death Valley. Once we turned off I15 we only saw 3 or 4 vehicles for about an hour and a half. We were fascinated by the scenery. It almost didn't look real.
The fungi took a turn helping with the drive.
After a long day on the road we pulled into Wine Ridge RV Resort in Pahrump NV. It didn't take long to get our home setup.
Our first morning we opened the back window to see the sun coming up over the mountains. What an amazing view!
Work has been a little hectic since we arrived, but it's great to be here at the end of the day.
And the sunset over the RV Park is just as beautiful as the sunrise!